IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. The seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord God A Thousand Five Hundred threescore and seven, I Bernarde Ogborne of Uxbridge in the County of Middlesex, Yeoman, being whole of mind and perfect of memory, thanked be God, ordain and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say:

FIRST, I bequeath my soul to Almighty God and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Hillingdon without the little door on the South side of the chancel.

ALSO, I ordain and make Cyssie my loving wife my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, and my brother in law George Handforde my Overseer.

I GIVE and bequeath to my lady wife Cyssie during her natural life my lease of two tenements with all and singular the appurtenances now in my own tenure and the tenure of Harry Lyon and Robert Ludyens of Uxbridge aforesaid, Provided always that if my foresaid Wife shall fortune to marry that she shall on her clear widowhood deliver over
into the hands of my said brother in law George Handforde my Overseer all my said leases before named and to be named. He the said George Handforde first putting in sufficient sureties for the safe delivery of the leases aforesaid to the rest of my children after the death of Cyssie my wife and making further assurance and doing all other things concerning the same as by the learned Counsell in the Law of the Land Cyssie my wife shall be devised or advised. My mind is that the said Cyssie shall lose all and singular the profits and commodities of all my said leases and every of them, and the profits thereof then and from thenceforth I give to be bestowed among my children at the discretion of my Overseer aforesaid.

ITEM, I give and bequeath the remainder of the foresaid lease with all and singular the appurtenances thereto belonging after my wife’s decease unto my son George and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten.

AND FURTHERMORE, I give and bequeath unto my said wife during her widowhood my house and land called The Oystrege Feather in Uxbridge, my half acre in the Town joining Master Newdigate’s half acre, and half an acre lying in Houtwyke. Provided
always that when my son Richard shall come to the age of twenty and one years then my wife shall make him a lease of the Oystrege Feather with all and singular the appurtenances during ten years next following paying yearly to my said wife and her assigns Three pounds of lawful money of England, so that my son Richard aforesaid shall neither let set nor sell the premises nor any part or parcel thereof during the tenure aforesaid without the assent and consent of his mother aforesaid. Moreover my will and mind is that if my said wife chance to marry that the remainder and every part and parcel of the said house called the Oystrege Feather with all and singular the appurtenances shall remain unto Richard my son and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, and for lack of such issue I give and bequeath the same to my son John and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, and for lack of such issue I give the same to my Right Heirs.

ALSO, I give and bequeath all that my lease of Dornie Meades unto my said wife during her widowhood to the intent that she shall make out thereof some convenient stock of money towards the setting forth of Elizabeth my daughter at her marriage, and the remainder thereof to be sold to the uttermost value of the money to be bestowed upon John my son and my youngest child that my wife goeth with all if God shall ordain that the same to live. If either of them die, then to the residue of my children.

ALSO, I give to my overseer aforesaid for his pains ten shillings of lawful money of England, to be paid within one month after my decease.

ITEM, I give and bequeath unto my loving friend and tenant Harry Lyon two shillings in ready money.

ITEM, I bequeath unto the poor people of Denham Parish of Hillingdon ten shillings in money and to the poor folks of this Parish of Hilllingdon thirteen shillings and four pence, and to the amending of the highway between Uxbridge and Hillingdon six shillings and eightpence.

AND ALL other my goods unbequeathed I give and bequeath to my said wife Cyssie towards the bringing up of all my said children.

THESE PREMISES were written in the presence of me the aforesaid Bernarde Ogborne, George Handforde my Overseer, Harry Lyon, Edward Bybbe and others, the day and year first above written.


A CODICILL Nuncupative made and declared by the said Bernarde Ogborne the twenty and fourth day of December Anno Domini 1567 aforesaid.

ITEM, He willed and bequeathed notwithstanding the gift and bequest of the Remainder of his lease of his two tenements in Uxbridge made to George his son after his wife’s decease, that the profits of the same lease for the space of eight years from the day of his decease if his wife should chance to die within the same eight years should be employed and bestowed upon the bringing up of his children at the discretion of the said Executrix and Overseer.

PROVED before the Honourable Walter Haddon, Doctor of Laws, of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in London, the twenty sixth day of August Anno Domini 1568, by the oath of Robert Gay, Notary, Attorney of Cecilia, relict and executrix named in the will, to whom admon was granted etc.

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Focusing on the history of the name of Ogbourne, Ogborn, Ogburn and other variants, including the early form of Ocheburne & Okebourne